
There's no place like home! 🏡

G'day, I'm Alex 🙋‍♂️.

Welcome to rakuen (楽園), my digital garden, paradise, Eden or whatchamacallit. This personal wiki serves as a personal knowledge base where I share everything I know about this world in the form of an online GitBook hosted on GitHub. I also share a fair bit about myself throughout the wiki.

I coined this place rakuen because it sounds cool and the definition is rather fitting.

楽園: any place of complete bliss and delight and peace

Make yourself feel at home!

Feel free to let me know you came along.


  • Nikita Voloboev - heavy inspiration, really like what he's done so I've shamelessly copied a lot of what Nikita done.

  • Brennan Letkeman - another heavy inspiration

  • Maggie Appleton - my first introduction to the concept of a digital garden.

General Disclaimer

Everything here is subject to change.

Support Me

You can support me by Buy[ing] Me a Coffee here or using the big blue button below provided by Ko-fi.

Any proceeds are greatly appreciated and a currently undecided portion will be going directly to various charities every month.

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com

Last updated